
The concept of testing various elements within a website or application is daunting for many system administrators. While essentially, the process of carrying out effective tasks and tests used to require a vast amount of programming knowledge. However, the latest browser automation software has simplified this complex process. Through the use of keyword-driven tasks and testing, the process of monitoring and reviewing website and application performance is streamlined.

What is Keyword-Driven Testing

Its important to note that not every tool offers keyword testing and task setting. However, if youre searching for a browser automation software that effective accomplishes tasks without having to delve into complex programming to accomplish specific tasks. Because there is no programming skills needed, those who are new to system administration are able to effectively review the functionality and performance of their site.

The basic idea behind this approach is to include a variety of tasks by inputting a simple keyword into the software. These keywords are used to describe the process or function that is to be tested. There are a number of different free software tools that you can use to automate these types of browser processes, such as Every-Step and Sahi Pro.

Benefits of Keyword Testing

Perhaps the most notable benefit of keyword-driven testing is its ability to execute tasks even if the screen layout should change or even if the primary system changes to a different operating system. When this testing process is utilized, little if any changes must be made to the test case.

Setting Up a Keyword-Driven Test

If youre interested in creating a keyword-driven test within your browser automation, there are several elements that must be included within the keyword documentation. This documentation is used by the software to determine what actions must be performed once the keyword is selected. Documentation within keyword-driven testing typically includes:

  • Starting point within the website or application
  • How the software accesses the starting point (by opening a browser or entering the website/application through the Start menu)
  • How the software navigates to reach necessary pages. For example, the number of mouse clicks to reach a specific page.
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  • What actions must be taken when a dialog box pops-up, such as a confirmation box.
  • Necessary buttons that must be selected to accomplish the tasks/test.
  • How the system/screen should appear after the task is completed.

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Firstly, in order to have a marketable website, you must register the domain. Secondly, you’ll need to select a fast web host from this list. If you’re considering Bluehost, one of the top companies from the fastest web host rankings, you’ll want to use a Bluehost coupon to save some money on your server plan. Once that is all setup, you're ready to design your website, then begin thinking of the conversion strategy for your visitors.

While there are many different reasons as to why you have a website, the foundational purpose of this digital enterprise is to communicate with your target demographic. One of the most influential ways to spark this conversation between your enterprise and your audience is through a form. While you may think that implementing a website form is relatively straightforward, there are many mistakes a web designer can make that actually hinders this essential form of communication. If you’re interested in learning how to cultivate a powerful and effective website form, then you should continue reading.


Perhaps the most important tip you should remember when creating a website form is to keep it as short and simple as possible. Should a visitor come across a complicated and long-winded form, they’re more likely to simply exit your website and go on a search for a company that features a more streamlined communication process. Think of a website form as a basic introduction. Once the visitor reaches out, you can then begin the process of obtaining further information.

Tip #2 – Keep Fields and Labels Close Together

As a general rule of thumb, labels should be as close to the fields they describe as possible. In order to avoid confusion, you should keep space between labels and their subsequent input fields as close together as possible. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is a giant form where the labels describing a field are too far apart. This will likely confuse website visitors and deter them from actually filling out the field.

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When a visitor comes across multiple columns, this design actually inhibits their “momentum,” which is the speed in which they fill a form out. Should a form take too long to fill out, the majority of visitors will abandon this task. Keep the flow going in a logical and streamlined fashion by designing fields in a single column with a separate row designated for each field. There is an exception: should the fields be related to an address (city, state and zip code) they can be presented in the same row as this is a logical process for writing out this information.

Tip #4 – Be Logical In Structure

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Are you searching for a browser automation tool thats capable of supporting your various tasks without having to learn complex programing languages? As the browser automation industry advances, so does its software and tools. Therefore, when youre searching for a browser automation software, there are several key factors one must take into consideration. Although your specific requirements may require specific features, the following factors are considered universally important regardless of your enterprise and tasks it requires.

Support for Network Platforms and Utilized Technology

Perhaps one of the most important features one must look for in browser automation software is whether or not it supports your website and application platforms and utilized technology. This may not be a major concern for enterprises that are relatively small and established on a single primary platform. However, those who utilize multiple platforms for their dynamic infrastructure must ensure a browser automation tool is capable of handling the various demands of these environments. There are several vital questions one must answer to ensure a software is compatible. These include:

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  • Do you need to test Web-based applications through browser automation?
  • Does your enterprise utilize mobile applications? If so, will this software be used to test and review mobile application functionality?
  • What operating system does your mobile applications run on? iOs or Android? Or both?


Software Ease of Use

One of the qualities all the greatest browser automation software suites share is its flexibility in its operation. While some networks feature workers who are well-versed in writing scripts and dealing with the inner components of a network and its included tools, others do not feature a depth of knowledge. Therefore, its imperative browser automation software be flexible in how its manipulated. Look for a software that features a simple user-interface thats understandable by novice users. However, for those who feature advanced-level understanding, the software should provide access to advanced level customization.

A Variety of Features and Technologies

If youre just starting out with a browser automation, you may not be aware of how you may utilize this tool within your network. One of the biggest mistakes made by those who are new to browser automation is purchasing an entry-level software tool. While this tool satisfies their initial tasks, as their knowledge grows within this technology, so does their need for more advanced and comprehensive tasks. Unfortunately, their initial software does not support advanced-level tasks. Therefore, its imperative that your tool be easy to utilize for beginners, but also be outfitted with a vast array of features. Look for the following elements within your software:

  • Ability to record and review automatic tests
  • Ability to manually create automated tasks and tests
  • Ability to implement checkpoints within various spots of the task to help verify essential data elements of a website or Web application.




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What is Browser Automation?

In the most fundamental sense, browser automation is the act of running various tasks, or instances, to gather insights into the functionality and performance of site pages, applications and lines of code. Understanding browser automation may take some time, as the subject is somewhat difficult. The uses of browser automation are practically limitless, and if you do a significant number of tasks throughout your work day, an automation tool may help reduce the time spent on these tasks while retrieving accurate and conclusive data. For example, upon starting a browser you need five different websites to be loaded to a specific point. Instead of manually opening each site, entering usernames/passwords and navigating to a specific page, the automation tool can perform all these tasks automatically. However, this is only a fraction of the capabilities a browser automation tool can perform. Other functions of these tools include testing applications and software for functionality, automatically transferring data between servers and applications, and even shutting down applications at a specified time.

Because of the varied uses of browser automation, its exact benefits can significantly vary. Regardless of your business, all webmasters and system administrators will benefit from its ability to streamline tasks while streamlining your ability to collect data and test various applications. With a well-equipped automation tool, mundane and repetitive tasks are accomplished automatically, which as stated earlier, leaves more time to focus on important tasks and duties.

Perhaps one of the most substantial benefits of automation tools is its ability to continually test the functionality and performance of web applications. Instead of having to manually navigate through each event within an application, an automation tool can do this task for you. Moreover, most browser automation tools collect data regarding its performance and functionality. This benefits all websites as it allows applications and select events to be automatically monitored in real-time. If an error is caught, administrators may delegate a fix much faster than if the error was caught through manual checks and monitoring.


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